Tuesday, March 31, 2009

So Happens It's Tuesday

Its Tuesday, got the week more than 20% knocked out. Looking forward to a beach lunch and an afternoon swim. The first half mile swim of the season is this Saturday and I plan on being there!

Last night I didn't sleep worth a dang. I got up about 1AM and went outside and laid down and looked at the stars for a while, then I went back to bed. Still couldn't sleep, so I got back up with my pillow and blanket and went out again and laid there looking for shooting stars. I saw about 3.
Then I went back to bed around #am and was sleeping good when the alarm went off. Two snooze buttons and I was running a little late this morning, but here I am.

Here's a couple pics from my lunchtime beach walk yesterday.

Jet Ski rental station, usually pulled up to shore
Beach View

Monday, March 30, 2009

good weekend, bad monday

It was a good weekend.
Went to the dog show on Saturday. Ditto got ripped off. The obstacle course is an event where the dog has to go through a series of obstacles, showing his ability to follow commands. The event was timed. They did it 3 dogs at a time, we were stuck behind someone slow, and therfore didn't win anything. The dogs that won, didn't even make it through the course, they just quit one obstacle quickly and went on to the next. Ditto completed all the objectives quickly and thoroughly. We spent most of the time standing and waiting. He did win a ribbon in best trick though.

Sunday we went to the beach all day and got a lot of sun.

The astronomical society meeting was postponed till the 3rd.

Now I'm back in the shit at work with these computers that don't work. I found another bad one, looks like. That's 4 out of 5 bad new computers. while I'm dealing with these problems, my regular workload is backing up..

Friday, March 27, 2009

Well Said

"You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about
the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it."

The late Dr. Adrian Rogers , 1931 to 2005, Former Pastor of
Bellevue Baptist Church in Memphis , TN

Busy weekend

It's going to be a great weekend! There is a big international volleyball tournament at the public beach starting today.
There is the dog show tomorrow. Ditto won first place last year, looking for a repeat. According to the OI Girl, Ditto will be wearing his spiked collar and 'Bad To the Bone' T-Shirt! A Dogly Dawg!! Sheba will be in the best personality contest, she'll do pretty good in that!

So I'm ready for a good weekend.

The weather is supposed to be good too!!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Upload a video to your blog

The easiest way to upload a video from your computer if the video is on your computer:

To put a video on your blog from a website, like YouTube, you can either embed the video, and the video will appear on your blog, or you can put a link to the video, and when someone clicks the link, they will leave your blog and go to the page where the video is.

To embed, follow the instructions on the picture.

To create a link, copy the URL from the web page you want to link to:

Highlight where you want the link:
then click the link button, as described in the window below
and paste the into the blank.

Then publish your post, and check it to make sure it works!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Whitehall Bay

I took another video this morning with my cell phone from the same place. I really like stopping there in the morning for a few minutes on my way to work.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I'm pretty cranky today. I'm pissed at this equip manufacturer whose new equipment is totally failing and he's not doing anything about it. I'm pissed at Sheba for harassing Ditto. And I'm just cranky.

Monday, March 23, 2009


On my link list, is Facebook. It is really cool, because I have found lots of friends that otherwise I would have probably never have heard from again.

They made a big change lately that has most people pissed off. I like that on Blogger, if they make a change, the new people who sign up after the change get the newest version, but the oldsters get to keep their version.

I worry because a lot of the people on my "Blogs I Always Read" list seem to have quit updating their blogs. It has happened before. Soon I'll have to go edit my list.

It's laziness on my part, I put a lot of time in my blog, try to find new blogs, then I get a list and become complacent. The active bloggers slowly disappear and I don't replace them.

The same thing happens here on this island, you're new, you go out, make an effort to make new friends, create a circle of friends, then relax. Slowly the circle of friends gets smaller, and aren't replaced. Pretty soon there's only a few people that you're close with, and it seems like the whole island is shrinking.

Life takes continual effort.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Not Cute

This Dawg is NOT cute! He is a horrifying monster, a carnivorous beast. He has gruesome fangs, dripping venom. He eats nails, and poops razor blades.
He wants to destroy all life on this planet.
Be afraid, be very afraid!
He is Ditto Digsby, the MONSTER!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Double Breakfast

I got up when the dawgs got me up, walked them and had some cereal, I call them Choking Pellets, but they are GOooooOOooD! All Bran Bran Buds
Later I think I'll make Bacon and Eggs too. Breakfast and Blunch.

I need to whack the weeds in the yard but I just can't see it happening today.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Friday the 20th

It's Friday Yeay!
I stopped by Whitehall Bay this morning on my way into work. It is a really nice spot near downtown, it was quiet, with all the fishermen getting ready to go out, the sailboats sleeping in the harbor and no cruise ships today. (yet?) I took a video on my phone to post here, but apparently it didn't work, because I can't find it.

I'm going to start stopping there more often.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Thursday and I have no idea what to post about. I'm reading a book, Tropic Of Cancer, by Henry Miller. It was published and banned in almost every english speaking country in the 1930's. I thought it'd be great because it has a womans boobs on the cover, but so far, it's kind of like reading one long sentence spoken by someone who is just babbling. But I like the foul language and I've only finished the first chapter, so we'll see.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Not much to say today, I'm kind of tired of this week already, although it has been pretty productive so far. I'm ready for the weekend again!! Here's some random pics:
Red Sail Sports boat at lunchtime
Although the boats in front are much closer, they still look much smaller
The moon and the wingtip coming back from Miami.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Identical swim trunks

I go to work and wear swim trunks under my pants. Then at lunch I go swim, rinse off and dry off and put on a dry pair of identical swim trunks underneath. Then I go back to work and hang the wet ones up to dry. Then after work I stop and swim again on the way home, rinse off, put on a dry third pair of identical swim trunks and ride home. Then I hang them on my bike overnight to dry.
I always keep a pair at work, and in my scooter storage place, and I'm wearing a pair. I have more than three, I have about 10 pairs of identical swimtrunks
Nobody knows this.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

A Billion Dollars and the US Debt

Pause it and read the quotes at the end.
Especially Thomas Jefferson's

Elmo Terror Alert

Stolen from Geek and Proud.net, who stole it from somebody else. Although, I think it's backwards, shouldn't Oscar be red, most dangerous at the top and Elmo be green?

Here's the Japanese version, stolen from NeatoRama. A really good website to check every day

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Permanent Residency

Yesterday I received the letter saying that my request for permanent residency has been approved! All I have to do is take my passport down and have it stamped (with an entry stamp that doesn't expire), and collect a certificate! And I think I get a special ID card too!
I am very excited. One step closer to becoming Caymanian!

Thursday night I was sitting on the seawall behind the Esso at Four-Way-Stop smoking a cigar with two of my friends from here, talking about old times here, 60's and 70's, and I was thinking "What a privilege to be here with these guys, hearing these tales. Most people don't to get to hear this"

The next day I get my residency letter. Coincidence?

Friday, March 13, 2009

Sea Swim Season

Sea Swim season is here again. I'm swimming this year.
Last year I didn't swim in any. I swam the half mile yesterday, as the beginning of my training.

I swam all years previously, but I had a car I could lock, and I'd leave my laptop in my car and swim. Then I got the scooter. There was no place for my laptop, so I just went home.
This year, I'm leaving my laptop at work, except on weekends.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Drivers Education

When I lived in Missouri, I got my drivers license when I was 16. Then I moved to Maryland. In Maryland, you have to be 18 to get your license, unless you take drivers ed, then you can get it when you're 16.
I was new in town, so I decided to take drivers ed during summer school. I figured I'd meet some people from my future class.
Since I had a valid drivers license, I used to go around and pick up all my friends for drivers ed.
That's called irony.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Back at Work

Costa Rica was great! My third trip. This one was too short.

OI Girls Parents Front Yard
OI Girls Parents were the Best Man and Maid of Honor
The clouds came in through the valley from the Caribbean, rose at an angle up the mountains, then died as soon as they could see the Pacific
The front yard view at night

Friday, March 06, 2009

On our way!

We're on our way to Costa Rica!

Thursday, March 05, 2009

My Friday

My friday was yesterday, I was off today, going to Costa Rica tomorrow!
I rekkon I'm packed, except for the stuff I forgot.
I can maybe do email posts there. but I should have a lot of pics when I come back.
Just going for the weekend, coming back Monday.
Future cousins wedding.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Pics for no reason

My Sun
Coconut Tree (before the cow ate it!)
Conch Shells with lizard

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

More Work Coming

Yesterday I received a spool of cable I had been waiting for. Also over the past week other stuff I need has been trickling in. I showed my boss an old good soundboard we can use instead of waiting for the money to buy a new one, so I can start the next new studio.
But first I have to rebuild a computer that isn't fixable. And a ton of other things to do. The guy from Pristine Systems has been here for a week, and I've been working a lot, including all weekend. Rebuilding all our computers with new motherboards and hard drives. I was hoping for a little slow spot in work after he left, and now the workload is piled super-high!
A good thing on the near horizon though, I'm going to Costa Rica this weekend!!

Monday, March 02, 2009

Tell me taint so!

Tell me it's not Monday. It feels like Thursday. I worked all weekend, and last Wednesday was a holiday, and I worked that day too. That's bigger than my brain is, I can't remember back as far as my last day off! Thank God for coffee!